Dental Implants Explained by Your Implant Dentist

Implant Dentist Las Vegas replace missing teeth with artificial ones that look and feel like natural teeth. They also keep surrounding teeth from shifting toward the gap, which can lead to bite problems.

The implant consists of a metal post and an abutment, which extends through the gums. Your dentist will give you anesthesia to minimize any pain.

Dental implants replace tooth roots with metal screwlike posts and permanently replace missing teeth or failing dental bridgework. Unlike removable dentures or conventional dental bridges requiring regular replacement, implants are durable and look and feel like natural teeth. The cost of the procedure varies significantly, depending on the type of implant and the dentist. The best way to determine how much a dental implant will cost is to consult an experienced oral surgeon or periodontist. During the initial consultation, the dentist will explain the implant’s placement process, give an estimated timeline for short- and long-term recovery, and answer any questions you may have. The dentist will also discuss local anesthesia and sedation options if necessary.

A patient’s overall health, oral hygiene, and commitment to regular dental visits are the major factors influencing whether they are a good candidate for dental implant treatment. In addition, heavy smokers, patients with uncontrolled chronic diseases, or head and neck cancer survivors must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Despite these limitations, most patients who meet the eligibility criteria can benefit from a dental implant treatment plan.

The average cost of an implant, abutment, and crown is between $1,500 and $6,000. However, this price varies by location. Patients in the City typically pay on the higher end of this range.

Some other factors can affect the cost of a dental implant, including the dentist’s reputation and level of experience. Reputable implant specialists tend to charge more than less-experienced practitioners, but they offer better results and fewer complications. The quality of the materials used to construct the implant also influences the price. High-quality implant materials are more durable and require less invasive procedures, which saves money in the long run.

Many dental insurance plans don’t cover the cost of dental implants, but there are other ways to pay for this treatment. Some patients can use a healthcare credit card, such as CareCredit, to help them afford the procedure. Others can work with their dentists to develop a payment plan. These options allow them to avoid paying interest and are usually more affordable than loans.

Dental implants replace missing tooth roots and provide a foundation for replacement teeth. They also stimulate and maintain bone health, helping to prevent bone loss in the jaw. During your consultation, your implant dentist will evaluate your tooth, gum, and bone health to determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure. They will take X-rays and 3D cone beam CT scans to assess the amount of healthy bone in your upper and lower jaws and determine if you need a bone graft to improve the quantity and quality of bone at the implant site.

The next step involves creating a treatment plan for your individual needs. The length of time that the process takes depends on your particular situation and may include:

  • Evaluation and planning.
  • Surgically placing the implant(s).
  • Healing.
  • Completing the restoration with crowns.

During your surgical appointment, the implant dentist will use local anesthesia to make you comfortable. In some cases, a patient will require IV sedation, in which case the implant dentist will work with a nurse to ensure that you get the right type of sedation for your surgery. Patients report that this surgery is no more painful than tooth extraction.

When the implant is in place, the surgeon will put a “healing cap” over it to protect it while it heals. The healing period varies from two to six months. Following your dentist’s post-op instructions and avoiding any force or stress on the implant is important. If you are a smoker, it is important to quit, as tobacco can negatively affect the healing process.

Once the implant has healed, you will return to your dentist for a crown. The crown is made to look and feel like a natural tooth, so it will be difficult to tell the difference from your other teeth. To maintain the beauty of your new smile, brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily to remove any plaque and food that could cause an infection. Call your dentist immediately if you experience any pain or discomfort, as this can indicate that something is wrong with the implant, and you might need more care.

Dental implants are a popular method for replacing missing teeth. However, the procedure is complex and requires careful preparation before surgery. The first step is an initial consultation with the dentist. During this appointment, they will visually examine the mouth and review dental imaging studies (X-rays, panoramic films, and CT scans). These tests will help them determine whether the patient is a good candidate for implant surgery. In addition, they will check the quality and quantity of bone in the area where the tooth is to be replaced. Patients with uncontrolled periodontitis or other health issues that affect the gums and bone are not candidates for dental implants.

Before the procedure, eating a healthy breakfast on the day of surgery and making arrangements for transportation home afterward is important. Since the dentist will administer sedation during the treatment, it is not safe to drive yourself. In addition, the dentist may advise you to avoid consuming foods that require much chewing because your gums will be sore following surgery.

A few days off work or school before the surgery is also a good idea. This will allow you to rest and recover comfortably, making the process less stressful. It is also a good idea to avoid smoking or drinking alcohol before and after the procedure. These activities can interfere with sedation and increase the likelihood of bleeding.

During the procedure, your dentist will place a small titanium post in the jawbone to act as an anchor. Once the implant site has healed, the doctor will connect a connecting piece called an abutment to the post. The abutment is shaped to match the shape of your natural tooth so it will blend in with the surrounding bone. Once the abutment has been attached, the doctor will place the replacement tooth on top.

Once your tooth has been placed, it is important to brush and floss regularly to prevent bacteria from building up around the new implant. In addition, it is a good idea to quit smoking because it can damage your gums and the implant itself. Regular dental appointments will also keep your teeth and gums healthy and reduce the risk of complications.

After the surgery, it’s important to follow your dental professional’s instructions. This may include eating only soft foods or avoiding certain foods, such as nuts and seeds. The dentist will also provide you with medication to help manage pain. In addition, the dentist will instruct you to use a mouthwash with chlorhexidine, which helps prevent infection around the implant.

Brushing and flossing regularly is important since artificial teeth also need proper maintenance. This will keep the gums healthy and help the implants thrive. Additionally, you should return to the dentist every six months for cleanings and inspections.

Most implant procedures are relatively minor, and most pain, swelling, and other symptoms clear up within a few days. However, the recovery time can vary slightly depending on how many teeth are being replaced and whether or not bone grafting is required.

The oral surgeon will first remove any remaining natural teeth and prepare the surgical site for dental implants. If the jawbone is in good shape, an implant can be placed immediately after tooth removal. In some cases, however, the surgeon will need to perform a bone graft to improve the quality of the jawbone before implant placement.

In this procedure, the oral surgeon will lift the gum to expose the area of deficient bone and add a bone or bone substitute. The graft must heal for four to six months before placing the implant.

After the procedure, it’s best to take a few days off from work and get plenty of rest. This will allow the healing process to proceed without interruption. You should also avoid strenuous activity and heavy exertion and avoid poking or pushing at the surgical site. This can dislodge blood clots and lead to bleeding from the site.

Drinking plenty of water and avoiding acidic drinks like coffee and soda is also important. This will help hydrate the body and speed up the healing process. Spitting and using a straw are also not recommended, as these can disrupt the dental implants and lead to failure.